Building an Online Home

This website began as an idea in the brain of Noah Hofrichter (me) in mid 2006. I thought it might be nice to have some sort of an "online home" for the Sandhouse Crew, to provide the public with a little more information about us. However, being the procrastinator that I typically am, the website didn't begin to take shape until early 2007. This is my first attempt at a website which I've coded myself. While I've run several small websites before, they've all been of the kind that were basically pre-made for you. In this one, I actually got to have the "fun" of coding everything pretty much on my own. I did have a little bit of help from a wonderful program called NoteTab Light. (While I still had to do most things manually, NoteTab does make the process slightly faster by having some often-used codes preprogrammed and addable with one click, as well as allowing me to create my own templates to work with. If you are a webmaster yourself and work with HTML, I highly recommend it. Best of all, the program is free!) I think, for my first attempt at least, it's come out pretty well.

So, after a few months of on and off work during weekends and weeknights, you are looking at version 2.0 of this website. What you see here is pretty much the basic structure of the website as I envision it. Of course, I do have a lot of minor changes and ideas in mind that I'm going to be slowly implementing them as I get time. This includes things that will help uniform the pages and add interesting content to the website. At this point I'm still learning as I go along, and so as a visitor you may have to put up with a few hiccups as I figure things out. If you ever see anything wrong or out of order with the site, or just feel like sending me a little feedback, please drop me an email by clicking on the "Contact Webmaster" link that can be found at the bottom of almost every page.

And most of all, enjoy your visit, and be sure to stop back again soon!
Noah Hofrichter
SWSC Webmaster and Secretary
All text, graphics, and page designs on this website are © 2007-2010 Southern Wisconsin Sandhouse Crew. All photos © 2007-2010 by the respective photographer. This website shall not be reproduced in whole or part for any reason without written permission of the Southern Wisconsin Sandhouse Crew and this site's webmaster. Just remember, the webmaster put a lot of time and effort into creating this, and he'd really not like you to steal it. Thanks for your cooperation.

Last update: 4/23/10
Created on March 11, 2007 © 2007-2008 Southern Wisconsin Sandhouse Crew. Contact Webmaster.